I received the natural crayon rocks and the natural modeling dough from Clementine Art to review. I had never seen modeling dough or crayons made naturally so definitely wanted to see how it worked. We opened up the modeling dough when we got them and the smell is amazing the lemongrass and the strawberry smells so good almost good enough to eat yummy, but I refrained. Making stuff with it is a ease and actually my opinion more flexible than stuff like play dough, plus after your done your hands smell just as good as the modeling dough does for a little while. The crayon rocks looked so cute but Joe likes to use them to write on stuff that markers don't like over tape on boxes and stuff and the great thing about that is even regular crayons aren't that good. There really is no smell to them but they color just as nice as regular crayons the only thing I think wouldn't be easy would be coloring inside the lines with them cause there bulkier but have no fear Clementine Art also carries the regular crayons as well great news huh. These will be great to make things with my nephew and niece come over again and I just can't wait til then they can be kinda handy if we just get really bored ha ha, I won't lie I still love to color even at my age now its so comforting and soothing. Anyways these items are made naturally so no more chemicals in your child's mouths, tummies, or on there hands so check out Clementine Arts for other great natural products.

Natural Modeling Dough - $9.99

Natural Crayon Rocks - $5.99

I received nothing but the crayon rocks and the modeling dough for this review no other payment. This is my opinion and may not be agreed on by others.

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