Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Valentine's Day Bracelet Review & Giveaway(Closed)

Charm Factory was nice enough to send me a valentine's day bracelet of my choice to do a review of and offer a giveaway. I received it today in the mail and it was just beautiful after opening the box to see it. Well I have big wrists because I'm big boned most bracelets never fit me, I thought the same when I got this bracelet being I've never found a company that did without me getting a extension. Well to my surprise the bracelet fit me no extension needed. It's light weight, beautiful, seems to be made very durable and strong. I have been wearing it all day and no problems it with stands doing your daily house work duties as well. As you will see in the pic it even matches my emerald ring I own perfectly which again was an awesome plus. It's made from crystal which I'm a sucker for. This would defiantly make a great Valentine's Day present! On my wrist it wears very comfortable, shines with light shining off it and has plenty of room to add other charms if you would like to later but looks just as nice without any other charms at all.

BUY IT: $24.99

WIN IT: Make sure you do the mandatory entry or all others will be disqualified.
One Lucky Reader will win a valentine's day bracelet of there choice from this page:http://www.charmfactory.com/SearchResult.aspx?KeyWords=heart%20bracelet&All=True

Eligibility: Limited to US Residents due to shipping costs.

1 comment per entry, leave your email in each entry so you can be contacted if you win if this is not done your entry will be disqualified and deleted, after 48hrs of emailing the winner a new winner will be chosen if no response.

If you are already doing any of the following entries just make a comment letting me know.

Mandatory Entry: Go to this page http://www.charmfactory.com/SearchResult.aspx?KeyWords=heart%20bracelet&All=True and tell me which bracelet you would love to win make sure to leave your email address as well

Other Ways To Enter:

1)Follow me on google or subscribe to my blog

2)Follow me on twitter (and leave your username)

3)fan me on facebook (enter your email, box on right side of page)

4)follow charm factory on twitter

5)fan charm factory on facebook

6)Tweet this giveaway (copy and paste below)
"Valentine's Day Bracelet Review & Giveaway Ends Jan. 31st @charmfactory giveaway by @evoluchun http://tinyurl.com/yjrtswu"

7)Blog about this giveaway (5 entries leave 5 separate comments)

8)Grab my button and put on your webpage or blog leave link to where I can find it (5 entries)

9)Follow This Medical blog (3 entries)

10)If you buy one of the charms or bracelets from the site you get an extra 5 entries

This ends on Jan. 31st at 11:59pm EST
The winner will be picked by http://www.random.org/

I received my own bracelet no other payment for this. The above is my opinion of the product only.

I got the editors choice award on prizey for this listing woohoo.



147 amazing comments:

Jennifer said... 1

I like the Peridot Bracelet with Crystal Hearts

Jennifer said... 2

I follow Charm Factory on Twitter (@jkgorcery)

Jennifer said... 3

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/jkgorcery/status/7668061741

Jennifer said... 4

I have your button in my blog #1

Jennifer said... 5

I have your button in my blog #2

Jennifer said... 6

I have your button in my blog #3

Jennifer said... 7

I have your button in my blog #4

Jennifer said... 8

I have your button in my blog #5

BNM said... 9

I like the silver hearts!


BNM said... 10

following you on google

BNM said... 11

following you on twitter

BNM said... 12

following Charm factory on twitter

BNM said... 13



BNM said... 14

I have your button!


BNM said... 15

I have your button!


BNM said... 16

I have your button!


BNM said... 17

I have your button!


BNM said... 18

following the medical blog

BNM said... 19

following the medical blog

BNM said... 20

following the medical blog

Suburban prep said... 21

I am a September girl so the Sapphire Crystal Heart Charm Bracelet is the one I'd love.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Lisa said... 22

I like the peridot too....my daughter's birthstone:)

Lisa said... 23

I'm a Facebook Fan!



Lisa said... 24

I follow you on Google:)

Lisa said... 25

I'm a Facebook Fan of Charm Factory


Lisa said... 26

I posted on my blog.

Lisa said... 27

I posted about your giveaway on my blog.


Lisa said... 28

I'm letting the world know on my blog:)

Lisa said... 29

I posted on my blog.


Lisa said... 30

I posted on my blog #5

Shooting Stars Mag said... 31

I love this one:

Silver Heart Bracelet

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Anonymous said... 32

5.8mm Cable Chain with Heart Toggle and Bar 5.5"

Anonymous said... 33

I am already following your blog

Anonymous said... 34

I am already following you twitter.com/hisluvinangel

Anonymous said... 35
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... 36

I am your fan now on facebook Misty M. hisluvinangel@yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 37

I am following charmfactory via twitter.@hisluvinangel

Anonymous said... 38

I am a fan of theres as well on facebook. Misty M. hisluvinangel@yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 39

I tweeted this,http://twitter.com/hisluvinangel

Anonymous said... 40

I blogged about this

Anonymous said... 41

I blogged about this 2 times.

Anonymous said... 42

I blogged about this 3 times.http://hisluvinangel.blogspot.com/2010/01/evoluchuns-charm-braclet-giveaway.html hisluvinangel@yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 43

I blogged about this 4 times http://hisluvinangel.blogspot.com/2010/01/evoluchuns-charm-braclet-giveaway.html hisluvinangel@yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 44

I blogged about this 5th time.http://hisluvinangel.blogspot.com/2010/01/evoluchuns-charm-braclet-giveaway.html hisluvinangel@yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 45

I have your button on my blog
Misty M.

Anonymous said... 46

I have your button on my blog 2n entry
Misty M.

Anonymous said... 47

I have your button on my blog
Misty M. 3r time.

Anonymous said... 48

I have your button on my blog 4th time.
Misty M.

Anonymous said... 49

I have your button on my blog 5th time.
Misty M.

Anonymous said... 50

I am already following that medical blog, 1 time.

Anonymous said... 51

I am already following that medical blog, 2 times.

Anonymous said... 52

I am already following that medical blog, 3 times.

BNM said... 53


Giveaway Lady said... 54

I would pick the Amethyst Bracelet with Crystal Hearts:) My birthday is in February and I would sooo love to win this!! Please enter me:) Thanks!!


{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 55

Garnet Bracelet with Crystal Hearts is my fav.

I also came from MBC 50.

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 56

follow on blogger

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 57

follow on twitter @momof3dolls

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 58

FB fan (Khrystina or momof3dolls)

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 59

follow charm factory on twitter @momof3dolls

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 60

fan charm factory on facebook

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

Giveaway Lady said... 61

I am also an email subscriber:)

Giveaway Lady said... 62

And a blog follower too!!

Giveaway Lady said... 63

Also following on Twitter:)

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 64

#1 have your button on my left sidebar at http://momof3dolls.blogspot.com

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 65

#2 have your button on my left sidebar at http://momof3dolls.blogspot.com

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 66

#3 have your button on my left sidebar at http://momof3dolls.blogspot.com

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 67

#4 have your button on my left sidebar at http://momof3dolls.blogspot.com

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said... 68

#5 have your button on my left sidebar at http://momof3dolls.blogspot.com

momof3dolls at hotmail dot com

Mass Hole Mommy said... 69

I like the Amethyst Bracelet with Crystal Hearts

massmommie (at) gmail (dot) com

Mass Hole Mommy said... 70

I am a twitter follower (massholemommy)

Mass Hole Mommy said... 71

I added your button

Mass Hole Mommy said... 72

I follow charm factory on twitter (massholemommy)

Mass Hole Mommy said... 73

I FB fanned you under my real name of Robin

Mass Hole Mommy said... 74

I FB fanned charm factory under my real name of robin

Mass Hole Mommy said... 75

I followed the medical blog

Mass Hole Mommy said... 76

I followed the medical blog

Mass Hole Mommy said... 77

I followed the medical blog

Mass Hole Mommy said... 78

I added your button #2

Mass Hole Mommy said... 79

I added your button #3

Mass Hole Mommy said... 80

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Mass Hole Mommy said... 81

I added your button #5

BNM said... 82



Piper said... 83

i would get the rose crystal heart charm bracelet!

nettysgirl at gmail.com

Peggy said... 84

I love the Siam Crystal Heart Charm Bracelet ,perfect for Valentines Day

Peggy said... 85

Follow on google
Peggy Gorman

Peggy said... 86

follow Charm Factory on Twitter

Elsie said... 87

The Emerald or Sapphire charm bracelets are a wee bit of Irish Luck and Sunny Skies...
perfectly charming!


miss_moneymaker said... 88

I would love to win the Garnet Bracelet with Crystal Hearts.

sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

miss_moneymaker said... 89

Following you via Google Friends Connect. (miss_moneymaker)

sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

miss_moneymaker said... 90

Following you on Twitter. (miss_moneymaker)

sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

miss_moneymaker said... 91

facebook fan: (Sarah Scott)

sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

miss_moneymaker said... 92

Following charm factory on twitter. (miss_moneymaker)

sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

miss_moneymaker said... 93

Facebook fan of charm factory. (Sarah Scott)

sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

miss_moneymaker said... 94


sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

makeetis said... 95

I would like to win the Rose Crystal Heart Charm Bracelet

ShellyH said... 96

I would choose the green bracelet.

ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said... 97

following on twitter.

ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said... 98

tweet - http://twitter.com/Ravish30/status/7917806087

ravish30 at aol dot com

Jenn Milt Art said... 99

I like the Garnet Bracelet with Crystal Hearts :)

jrerwin6 at gmail dot com

Jenn Milt Art said... 100

I follow you on twitter

Jenn Milt Art said... 101

I follow charm factory on twitter


Unknown said... 102

Love the garnet bracelet with crystal hearts

ShellyH said... 103

tweet -

ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said... 104


ravish30 at aol dot com

A GAL NEEDS... said... 105

Hi! I'd like to win the Emerald Bracelet with crystal hearts b/c that is my birthstone!


A GAL NEEDS... said... 106

I follow you on Google Friend


A GAL NEEDS... said... 107

I follow you on Twitter!



A GAL NEEDS... said... 108

I follow charm factory on Twitter



A GAL NEEDS... said... 109

I became a fan of Charm Factory on Facebook!



A GAL NEEDS... said... 110

I've got your button!



A GAL NEEDS... said... 111

#2 I've got your button!



A GAL NEEDS... said... 112

#3 I've got your button!



A GAL NEEDS... said... 113

#4 I've got your button!



A GAL NEEDS... said... 114

#5 I've got your button!



A GAL NEEDS... said... 115

I tweeted! http://twitter.com/xocaisgood/status/8053352436


A GAL NEEDS... said... 116

I blogged! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/


A GAL NEEDS... said... 117

#3 I blogged! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/


A GAL NEEDS... said... 118

#4 I blogged! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/


A GAL NEEDS... said... 119

#5 I blogged! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/


ShellyH said... 120


ravish30 at aol dot com

CJ said... 121

I love the Garnet Bracelet with Crystal hearts

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said... 122

I love the Sapphire Bracelet (blue) with crystal hearts.

rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said... 123

Follow on Google Friend Connect (Ally)

rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said... 124

I follow Charm Factory on Facebook

rose manning

rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said... 125

Facebook fan of Evoluchun

rose manning

rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said... 126

Follow the medical Blog (can't wait for this one to take off!)


rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said... 127

Follow the medical Blog (can't wait for this one to take off!)


rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said... 128

Follow the medical Blog (can't wait for this one to take off!)


rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

Christy said... 129

I love the 5.8mm Cable Chain with Heart Toggle and Bar 5.5"


Christy said... 130

I'm a follower on google


Christy said... 131

subscribed to your blog


Christy said... 132

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Christy said... 133

following medical blog



Christy said... 134

following medical blog


# 3

Unknown said... 135

The saphire charm bracelet is my favorite.


Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 136

i like the Garnet Bracelet with Crystal Hearts at http://www.charmfactory.com/garnet-bracelet-with-crystal-hearts.htm

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 137

following your blog

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 138

Following on twitter

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 139

fan on facebook

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 140

following charm factory on twitter

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 141

fan charm factory on facebook

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 142

tweet http://twitter.com/charm32/status/8469084294

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 143

1 blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/48778

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 144

2 blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/48778

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 145

3 blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/48778

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 146

4 blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/48778

Charlotte atb@lifesacharm.net said... 147

5 blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/48778