Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blogorama Bonanza 2012 (Closed)

Thanks for stopping by my Blogorama Bonanza 2012 Event. This is gonna be a great event and I wish I could offer more but I love the idea of this one great item I'm Giving away. Thanks to

by Jyla's Three Of Us Giveaway, Made Only in USA & Howard House Reviews for hosting this event. There are 200 blogs that sign up and you can bounce from each blog entering as many giveaways as you want good luck and this runs from Oct. 10th through the 26th so get to hopping ya'll.

I'm offering one lucky winner a chance to get a $100 bottle of Wine from Etching Expressions. You can have it customized so its perfect for any special occasions or holiday. 

If you want to see better pics do so by going here.

Make sure once you enter here you hop the blogs below thanks for stopping by and enjoy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Facebook is not affiliated in any way with this giveaway nor did I recieve anything for this post.  Check the list below on the other post for the list of blogs in the event

24 amazing comments:

Momma Told Me said...

I'd use this as an engagement gift for someone I know.

Paula L. said...

My Birthday :D

jandplee at att dot net

Auri Lae said...

We'd use it to celebrate our son due in two weeks! :)

Mnemosyne on GFC

scottsgal said...

I'd use this for our upcoming wedding anniversary

Debra Guillen said...

wedding anniversary

Debra Guillen said...

GFC follower Debra Guillen

Anonymous said...


me said...

I would use it for when my boyfriend finally pops the question

BeckyH said...

This would be great for the invasion of family during the holidays.
scrappin_sis02 at yahoo dot com

Jenny Stanek said...

Christmas Eve!


Natalie Perry said...

For my husbands birthday.

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

Valentines Day
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'd save it for our anniversary in April
Gigi (Gina P)

Amanda Rauch said...

wedding anniversary

AndreaH said...

I would use it as a wedding anniversary gift for my parents. Would be perfect because their anniversary is just around the corner in January.

Unknown said...

i would use it for my wedding!

Unknown said...

i would use it as a christmas gift

anita anderson said...

For my anniversary

Francine Anchondo said...


Unknown said...

my wedding

Laura said...

I would give it to some friends of ours as a housewarming gift

Unknown said...


wendy wallach said...

It would be a gift for my mother

katklaw777 said...

My 33rd wedding anniversary...thanks!