Thanks to 5 Sparrows for providing me with the product/products below to review with no purchase.
I received house chocolate, spiced chai, snow ghost frappe, and house white chocolate from 5 Sparrows to review. I had never heard of this company before but they have alot of sugar free stuff so I was curious. My mom likes to drink stuff like hot chocolates and stuff but is a diabetic so sadly she usually can't drink the stuff cause it raises her sugar off the chart and then she has to use more insulin. So I got these fast and handed them over straight to her. She enjoyed trying these she said they were so full of flavor and it was sweet enough to seem like she was drinking regular stuff with sugar yet wasn't. No after taste just pure quality taste she said she loved them. I'm glad their are companies out there like 5 Sparrows cause I hate seein my mom not be able to enjoy regular day things just cause she is diabetic. They aren't bad priced either and my mom plans to buy some in the future she said her favorite by far was the snow ghost frappe she said she had never tried frappe before but she loved the smooth taste from this drink. I might have found away to have my mom step outside the box and drink mixes like these that are sugar free over just plain coffee all the time. So if you want to taste these check out the giveaway below or go buy you some today worth the try.
Sugar Free, Sweetened with Stevia - $11
House Chocolate - $9
Monumental Spiced Chai - $9
Find Local
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received the mixes shown above and no other payment for this. The above is my opinion of the product only. Facebook however has no connection to this. Please come back to my blog when this ends will have a winners post and will email the winners as well please make sure you type your email right so no confusion and you will have 48hrs to respond back to me or another winner will be chosen. Thanks again for entering my giveaways and good luck!o way shape or form. This is my 100% opinion and may not be agreed on by all.
70 amazing comments:
I would most like to try the white chocolate!!!
Spiced Chai
Thanks for the giveaway!
white chocolate.
White chocolate. I'm diabetic, and this would be such a blessing to win!
I'd love to try the spiced chai!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
The chai sounds awesome!
White chocolate for me as well
ky2here at msn dot com
I would like to try the spiced chai
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
White chocolate
I'd love to try the sugar-free white chocolate
Gotta go with Chocolate first :)
the chocolate.
Coffee House chocolate.
jandplee at att dot net
I'd love to try the white chocolate!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
white chocolate (Debra L. Guillen)
subscribe to your blog in Google reader (aliasr2 at gmail dot com) (Debra L. Guillen)
GFC Debra Guillen (Debra L. Guillen)
I'd love to try the chai! Thanks for hosting!
I'd like to try the White Chocolate.
I want white chocolate
I would like to try house white chocolate
The spiced chai sounds good!
I'd like to try white chocolate.
Yum I'd go with the chocolate.
The White Chocolate!
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
I subscribed via Google Reader.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
Would love to try the White Chocolate!
I want to try the White Chocolate.
ighmeg at yahoo dot com
white choc & spiced chai
I'd like the chocolate
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
The Chai!
I think the monumental spiced chai.
Chai...mmmmm Chai.
spiced chai
I'd love to try the White Chocolate most but all love just about equal to me
the white chocolate!
I think I want to try white chocolate the most
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail(dot)com
spiced chia
missfit501 at yahoo dot come
sugar free chocolate would be my flavor of choice!
sugar free chocolate
vmkids3 at msn dot com
White chocolate
krazekatlady at gmail dot com
want to try coffee house chocolate
the white chocolate
I'd like to try the house chocolate :)
I would like white chocolate.
I'd like to try the Snow Ghost Frappe
I would like to try the chocolate.
brat52101 at yahoo dot com
the snow ghost frappe sounds interesting
sugar free white chocolate
Sugar Free Chai :)
ktgonyea at
I want to try sugar free white chocolate.
they ally sound yummy! I suppose the white chocolate.
Thanks for the sweeps
Diane Baum
White chocolate
White Chocolate
white chocolate
i want to try the sugar free white chocolate
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I love white chocolate
white chocolate is awesome!
Miz Vickik
I'd like to try sugar free white chocolate.
em darr
I"m a big chocolate fan, so I'd love to try the White Chocolate!!!
I would like the sugar free white chocolate
I would like the sugar free chocolate.
fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
Sugar free chai!
PDWinner523 at gmail dot com
I'd most like to try the white chocolate flavor.
I would like to try sugar free white chocolate.
I would like to try the sugar free white chocolate.
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