I received the pink glittery caps from Soft Claws to review. I have thought about getting my cat declawed cause every time I turn around she wants to claw the door frames and all and its quiet annoying. I have held off cause I hear it can be painful for them and I really have been waiting for another alternative. This is where soft claws comes in to play they are a great alternative granted you have to put them on every 6 weeks or so but its so much nicer for your cat. Not to mention they are so colorful and pretty for the cats to wear. Now it was a bit of a challenge getting these on my cat Libby as soon as she realized we were putting somethin her nails she gave us a hell of a fight. I think it took us like 45 minutes to get them all on..lol. After she of course pulled off one or two but we reapplied the next day and they stayed on from there on. They look so pretty when she walks around now and she doesn't even act like they are even there, and they have been a heaven sent for our doors. I do recommend these to anyone who are thinking about declawing try this first you might be surprised how great they work. Now don't get me wrong my cat was mad when we were done so expect that lol. So check out Soft Claws for great color choices at great prices.
If for some reason the Rafflecopter doesn't load reload the page and make sure that your java is enabled. If you still have problems email me. By the way click read more under my name tag to go to the page to enter. Mandatory has been switched to having to post a comment below this post before entering the rest thanks.
I received the softclaws shown above and no other form of payment for this. This is 100% my opinion and may not be agreed upon by all. This giveaway is not connected in anyway to facebook. Please come back to my blog when this ends will have a winners post and will email the winners as well please make sure you type your email right so no confusion and you will have 48hrs to respond back to me or another winner will be chosen. Thanks again for entering my giveaways and good luck
25 amazing comments:
we have 3 cats
I have 2 cats.
we have one cat.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I have one cat, Olive
We have 1 cat..Trixie.
I have 2 cats.
I have 4 cats! 3 full grown, and 1 kitten! These would be so perfect for the kitty - She is scratching everything!
We have three cats
I have one cat.
I have two cats! Verna and Baby. =D
I have 3 of my own and 2 foster kittys.
jamiewhittington at yahoo dot com
We currently have 6 cats in our home. 3 we adopted from rescues and 3 are fosters for a rescue.
jenswps at yahoo . com
I have one cat!
I have 4 kitties!
I have 1 cat.
Desiree Dunbar
We have two cats. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
Just one cat here
steph_showalter at yahoo dot com
We have two cats!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
We have 3.
laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com
5 cats in house and 1 is mine
I have one cat.
I follow you on GFC as tiffany.hoyt
I follow you on GFC as tiffany.hoyt
I follow you on GFC as tiffany.hoyt
I have four kitties at the moment. :)
stormraven at gmail dot com
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