Thursday, February 17, 2011

Officially Started My Diet

Well I officially started my diet on the 15th and so far the site I'm doin everything from has me on a 2500 calorie diet, I'm also doin the slimfast thing and hoping to as soon as I can get to a store get some white grape fruit juice as well. Not sure if any of ya'll know about that but the grape fruit juice eats away the fat in most foods you eat so if you splurge some and follow behind with a 8oz glass of grapefruit juice its almost a way of sayin who splurged ha ha. Anyways I have ran into a slight problem since I started one bein I used to could do the slimfast the right way but may end up quittin it when I'm out at the end of next week because I have acid reflux disease and the shakes don't keep my stomach coated enough when not eating to keep from gettin sick. I will try to figure something around this.... I have my cam up and working although crappy quality its a cheap one and I hope to be updating every other week with a video to ya'll from it. Anyways just wanted to let ya'll know the process so far.

1 amazing comments:

Denise G said... 1

Best of luck Danyale!! I love grapefruit juice!! I guess I should be drinking it....