Thursday, December 22, 2011

Update On Stuff

I have everything almost back to normal now days but I'm gonna lay low til the beginning of the year and start fresh. I lost all the emails to all myc companies I was workin with as well as most the pics of stuff I took. If any of the companies I was supposed to do a review for read this please email me. If any companies do email me I will get the reviews and such up for those companies other than that my marriage is failing and the holidays are here and I'm just not very christmasy right now nor can I concentrate on much right now due to tall this. I do hope ya'll understand and I will definitly check in from time to time and I'm gonna make a new start to everything next year.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Custom Jewelry By Johan & Christmas As One

Not much longer to check out the Custom Jewelry By Johan and get your very own beautiful jewelry before Christmas is here. My rings me and Joe got months back are just as beautiful and durable as ever. If you don't remember them click here to see them. I wish I had only known about this guy years ago because the rings are so much more durable than anything else I have ever had. So looking for a special gift for that loved one here you go check out Custom Jewelry By Johan.

Here is a very pretty ring to show you something of what he sells....

Gibeon Meteorite and Ironwood Wood inlay Titanium Ring Wooden Wedding Band (Wide)

I received no form of payment for this post.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Good News Soon I Hope

Please everyone still bare with me after the virus's I had in my computer it took out my incredimail so because of that I'm having to weed through every company i have in my gmail so I can get more giveaways up and stuff again so sorry for this and I really hope ya''l are patient with me and hope ya'll are enjoying the holidays coming our way :)

Vapor4Life Winner

Congrats to the winner of the Vapor4Life Giveaway sorry this is a bit late and sorry not as flashy still got alot to install on my computer again. Hoping to be back to normal soon :) Thanks again to all who entered and to the company as well.

Electronic Cigarette Kit/Cartridges

+490entries so far
OVER contest is over!
And the winners are...
Entry #351 --- Noah
results powered by

I will be emailing the winner you have 48hrs to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hoping that my computer issues are gone now just to install everything again i will try to get vapor4life ended tonight but as for giveaways please bare with me

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Grrr cant wait to hopefully get my computer back to normal after the viruses cause as of right now i can only post by cell phone and this sucks

Sorry Ya'll

I'm sorry I havent been around but been having alot of computer issues with virus' and such and had to restore my computer tonight due to this issue the only issue is now I have to find all the companies I'm supposed to be offering to ya'll please understand I have forgotten about my wonderful followers or have I forgot my companies as well just understand this is out of my control and will be working hard to get back up and running soon by the way hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. If this continues it may be beneficial to just receive computer repair training myself

 I am funded for the link found in this post and no other form of payment for this all is my 100% opinion or sayings though.